O Israel, GOD’s Chosen

O Israel, Jerusalem, Zion, God’s chosen,
Where His glory dwells, we shall not fear.
Like the apple of His eye, He guards His land,
Touch not His anointed, by His command.

We will not be silent, we will not yield, no,
No no no,
For His promise lives in you, O Israel,
Israel, His sacred land.

As the eagle stirs its nest and guides its young,
So the Lord shields us, our battles won.
Your foes will falter, their strength undone,
Upon holy mountains, His will be done.

We will not be silent, we will not yield, no,
No no no,
For His promise lives in you, O Israel,
Israel, His sacred land.

Under His watchful eyes, we stand secure,
Against the storm, His promise is sure.
No foe shall pass, no harm shall near,
For in His love, we harbor no fear.

Who blesses you, O Israel, so blessed shall be,
Who curses you, finds curse their plea.
For through you, all earth's families find grace,
In you, God shows His merciful face.

We will not be silent, we will not yield, no,
No no no,
For His promise lives in you, O Israel,
Israel, His sacred land.

O Israel, Jerusalem, Zion, the Lord’s own,
Where His glory resideth, we shall not fear.
As the apple of His eye, He doth His land defend,
Touch not His anointed, by His divine command.

We will not hold our peace, nor will we bend, no,
No no no,
For His covenant liveth in thee, O Israel,
Israel, His hallowed land.

Like the eagle that rouseth her nest and guideth her brood,
So the Lord shieldeth us, our foes subdued.
Thine enemies shall stagger, their power shall wane,
Upon sacred mountains, His will shall reign.

We will not hold our peace, nor will we bend, no,
No no no,
For His covenant liveth in thee, O Israel,
Israel, His hallowed land.

Beneath His vigilant gaze, we stand undaunted,
Against the tempest, His promise granted.
No foe shall breach, nor evil draw nigh,
For in His mercy, our fears do die.

He who blesseth thee, O Israel, blessed shall he be,
He who curseth thee, cursed his plea.
For through thee, all families of the earth gain favor,
In thee, God’s mercy shineth ever.

We will not hold our peace, nor will we bend, no,
No no no,
For His covenant liveth in thee, O Israel,
Israel, His hallowed land.

[Verse 1]
O Israel, My chosen, I have called you by your name;
You are Mine, fear not, for I am with you.
I, the Lord, am your God, who takes hold of your right hand,
Saying unto you, Fear not; I will help you.

I will not fail you nor forsake you, no,
No no no,
For My promise lives in you, O Israel,,
My chosen, My inheritance.

[Verse 2]
As I cared for you in the wilderness,
In the land of drought, so I will guide you.
To give drink to My people, My chosen,
The people I formed for Myself,
That they might proclaim My praise.

I will not fail you nor forsake you, no,
No no no,
For My promise lives in you, O Israel,,
My chosen, My inheritance.

[Verse 3]
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned;
Neither shall the flame kindle upon you.

I will not fail you nor forsake you, no,
No no no,
For My promise lives in you, O Israel,,
My chosen, My inheritance.

[Verse 4]
I am the Lord, your Holy One,
The creator of Israel, your King.
Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea
And a path through the mighty waters,
Fear not, for I am with you.

I will not fail you nor forsake you, no,
No no no,
For My promise lives in you, O Israel,,
My chosen, My inheritance.

ای اسرائیل، برگزیده خدا

ای اسرائیل، اورشلیم، صهیون، برگزیده خدا،
جایی که جلال او سکونت دارد، نخواهیم ترسید.
چون مردمک چشم او، این سرزمین را حفاظت می‌کند،
به فرمان او، به مسحت او دست نزنید.

ما خاموش نخواهیم شد، تسلیم نمی‌شویم، نه،
نه نه نه،
که وعده‌اش در تو زنده است، ای اسرائیل،
اسرائیل، سرزمین مقدس او.

همچون عقابی که آشیانه‌اش را می‌جنباند و جوانانش را هدایت می‌کند،
پس خداوند ما را محافظت می‌کند، نبردهای ما پیروز می‌کند.
دشمنانت لرزان خواهند شد، قوتشان بر باد می‌رود،
بر کوه‌های مقدس، اراده‌اش اجرا می‌شود.

ما خاموش نخواهیم شد، تسلیم نمی‌شویم، نه،
نه نه نه،
که وعده‌اش در تو زنده است، ای اسرائیل،
اسرائیل، سرزمین مقدس او.

زیر نگاه‌های بیدار او، با امنیت ایستاده‌ایم،
در برابر طوفان، وعده‌اش مطمئن است.
هیچ دشمنی نخواهد گذشت، هیچ آسیبی نزدیک نخواهد شد،
چرا که در عشق او، بیمی نداریم.

کسی که تو را برکت دهد، ای اسرائیل، برکت یابد،
کسی که نفرینت کند، نفرینش کند.
زیرا از طریق تو، همه خانواده‌های زمین رحمت می‌یابند،
در تو، خدا روی مهربانی‌اش را نشان می‌دهد.

ما خاموش نخواهیم شد، تسلیم نمی‌شویم، نه،
نه نه نه،
که وعده‌اش در تو زنده است، ای اسرائیل،
اسرائیل، سرزمین مقدس او.